§ 10-304. Garbage and rubbish storage; disposal.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All garbage and rubbish containing food wastes shall, prior to disposal, be kept in leakproof, nonabsorbent containers which shall be kept covered with tightfitting lids when filled or stored, or not in continuous use; provided that such containers need not be covered when stored in a special vermin-proofed room or enclosure, or in a food waste refrigerator. All other rubbish shall be stored in containers, rooms or areas in an approved manner. The rooms, enclosures, areas and containers used shall be adequate for the storage of all food waste and rubbish accumulating on the premises. Adequate cleaning facilities shall be provided; and each container, room or area shall be thoroughly cleaned after the emptying or removal of garbage and rubbish. Food waste grinders, if used, shall be installed in compliance with state and local standards and shall be of suitable construction.


    All garbage and rubbish shall be disposed of with sufficient frequency and in such a manner as to prevent a nuisance.


    Those establishments using dumpsters to contain garbage and rubbish shall, prior to the storage of such garbage and rubbish in the dumpster unit, contain all food wastes in leakproof, nonabsorbent containers. It is the intention of this section to require all garbage and rubbish stored in a dumpster unit prior to disposal to be in the appropriate container. The dumpster lid should be closed at all times except when the dumpster is being filled or emptied. All dumpsters shall be cleaned when emptied.

(T.M. of 5-15-1993, art. 92, § 16-112)