§ 10-206. Notice of hearing.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Required. After receipt of the written reports required by section 2-205, the town clerk shall give notice of a public hearing on the application in the form and manner and to the persons specified in this section.


    Contents. The notice shall include the time and place of such hearing, the nature of the matter to be heard, and the address or location of the property involved. Where notice by mail is required, it shall be mailed at least seven days in advance of the hearing date by regular United States mail.


    Method. Notices shall be given to each of the following:


    Applicant. To the applicant;


    Public. To all residents of the town by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the town at least once, not more than 30 nor less than five days, before the date of the hearing; and


    Abuttors. To the owners of the property within 300 feet of such parcel or tract by mail. For the purpose of this section, the owners of property shall be considered to be the parties listed by the assessor's office of the town as those against whom taxes are assessed. Failure of any property owner to receive a notice of public hearing shall not necessitate another hearing and shall not invalidate any action of the town council.

(Code 1983, § 6-306)